Saturday, April 24, 2010

Celebrating Kyle and Rhys

We are celebrating, honoring and remembering our CMOTC NICU babies this month as we head into the March for Babies walk for the March of Dimes.

Today, our spotlight is on CMOTC MOM Kelly Z.'s twins, Kyle and Rhys, who were born at 34 weeks 1 day.

Kyle was 3lbs 14 ozs and 18 1/2 inches long. She was in the NICU for 18 days. Her stay was mainly due to her low weight and need for tube feeding.

Rhys was 4 lbs 2 ozs and 17 3/4 inches long. He was in the NICU for 20 days. Rhys had to have a CPAP breathing machine for the first few days and also had the feeding tube and low weight issues that Kyle did.

Kyle and Rhys are now happy, energetic 20 months olds. Both are ahead in their height percentiles and right on track for their weight. Between the two, just like at birth, Kyle is still an inch taller and Rhys is still a bit heavier and both are a bunch of fun!

Thank you Kelly for sharing their story with us. We love to see how great they are doing; running around, playing in the snow and bringing joy everywhere with their beautiful smiles. We are honored to celebrate them with you.

If you would like to celebrate, honor and remember your premature little one(s) this month on the blog, please send photos (then and now) along with your child(ren)'s information to

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