Friday, April 2, 2010

Uses for all those empty egg cartons

Have a lot of egg cartons from all those Easter eggs? Why not reuse them for crafts or practical uses?

Here are some links showing neat craft ideas using egg cartons:

Three things to do with egg cartons, from Family Fun, which include:
  1. Making a "transporter" for small action figures (something my boys would love), which looks really cool. (shown above on the right)

  2. Creating a "count the days till..." - they did Easter but it could be used for birthdays, any holiday, last day of school, vacation, etc. I could see filling each compartment with a paper stating different things that you love about your child, or your best memories with them over the last year, etc. for counting down to their birthday. Or for a vacation, it could be papers with fun things you are going to do to get them super excited or it could be small items indicative of where you are going - like if going to the beach, it could have shells, sand, palm tree cut outs, toy or drawn fish, and even small cut out images of fun places you will go while there, all of which you can talk about and share the excitement.

  3. Growing a grassapillar, which is a very cute idea.
Egg carton creatures (from Family Fun)

Carton cuties (from Family Fun) - these are whimsical butterflies that you create from the clear plastic egg cartons. Love them! (shown to the left)

Egg carton sea creatures (from Crafts, Sherri Osborne)

Egg Carton Animal Nose Masks (from Crafts, Sherri Osborne), very cute idea.

Practical ways to reuse egg cartons:

If you don't have time for crafts, here are some practical ideas for reusing egg cartons:
  • They make a perfect holder for liquid paints when your little one is playing Picasso.

  • They also work really well as craft supply organizers, holding those little items, like pom poms, googly eyes, beads, confetti, foam shapes, buttons, etc., while your children are creating their masterpieces.

  • You can use them to start seedlings for your garden.

  • Use them as a desk drawer organizer, filling them with paper clips, binder clips, staples, safety pins and other small desk drawer items.
How about all of you? Do you have any crafts or practical uses for egg cartons? Let us know!

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