Friday, April 9, 2010

Celebrating Andersen and Ava

We are celebrating, honoring and remembering our CMOTC NICU babies this month as we head into the March for Babies walk for the March of Dimes.

Today, our spotlight is on CMOTC mom Alisa P.'s twins Andersen and Ava who were born at just 26 weeks.

Andersen was 2 lbs and 13 inches long. He had a four month NICU stay.

Ava was 1 lb 13 oz and 13 inches long. She had a four month NICU stay as well. Ava had ROP in her eyes and to date has had four eye surgeries. She also had a feeding tube when she came home from the hospital, which she had until she was two years old. Now, at four, she eats enough for her AND her brother!

Today, both Andersen and Ava are happy, energetic four year olds.

Thank you Alisa for sharing their story with us. We are very happy they are thriving and proud to be able to honor and celebrate Andersen and Ava with you! They are absolutely adorable!

Alisa also wrote a blog post for us in the fall titled A Look Into Prematurity, which talks about their incredible journey. In that post, Alisa provides support to other parents of premature babies not only by detailing their journey, but also through sharing resources and links for programs and helpful information as well as hope, courage and her own offer of support.

If you would like to celebrate, honor and remember your premature little one(s) this month on the blog, please send photos (then and now) along with your child(ren)'s information to

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