Monday, April 26, 2010

Celebrating Bennett and Kendyll

We are celebrating, honoring and remembering our CMOTC NICU babies this month as part of the March for Babies walk for the March of Dimes.

Today, our spotlight is on CMOTC MOM Sara W.'s twins, Bennett and Kendyll, who were born at 32 weeks 6 days.

Bennett was 4 lbs 4 ozs and was in the NICU for 26 days.
Kendyll was 4 lbs 7 ozs and was in the the NICU for 21 days.

Their first photo together, while still in the NICU:

Though Bennett had some motor delays and didn't walk until 22 months, he has quickly caught up now. They celebrated their second birthday in February and have been talking up a storm. And as Sara says with a smile, "we have been full-on in the terrible twos for months now."

Thank you Sara for sharing their story with us. We love to hear that they are doing so well, even if they are being two! With those big brown eyes and the long beautiful eyelashes that they both have, I bet they have you wrapped around their fingers. Thank you again, we are honored to celebrate them with you.

You can read more about Bennett and Kendyll's adventures on Sara's blog.

If you would like to celebrate, honor and remember your premature little one(s) this month on the blog, please send photos (then and now) along with your child(ren)'s information to

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