Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Celebrating Eli, CJ and Natalie

We are celebrating, honoring and remembering our CMOTC NICU babies this month as we head into the March for Babies walk for the March of Dimes.

Today, our spotlight is on CMOTC mom Helene S.'s triplets, Eli, CJ and Natalie, who were born at just 27 weeks 6 days.

William Eli was born first weighing about 2lbs, 12 ounces. His NICU stay was 49 days.

Caleb James was a minute later and was the peanut at just over 2 pounds. He was in the NICU the longest at 70 days.

Natalie Kate, the rose between two thorns, tipped the scales at 2lbs, 5 ounces. Her NICU stay was 65 days.

This was their first group photo, which couldn't be taken until they were all home due to all their issues in the hospital. What a monumental day of joy.

Though they had their fair share of struggles with gaining weight, holding temperatures, as well as having blood transfusions and the typical NICU related scary episodes, today the triplets are happy, healthy, rambunctious, and thriving four year olds. They are pictured below with their younger sister, Charlotte, on the right.

Thank you Helene for sharing their story with us. We are very happy that today they have no complications from their extreme prematurity, unless, as you said, "you consider obnoxiousness and chronic monkeying around a complication." That is music to our ears! And what cuties they are!

Helene also featured her NICU graduates on her own blog today. In her post you can read more detail on their NICU journey and their story - check it out here.

If you would like to celebrate, honor and remember your premature little one(s) this month on the blog, please send photos (then and now) along with your child(ren)'s information to

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