Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Giveaway - Kingdom of Bounce Family Passes!!

*****This giveaway is now over*****
We have a bouncing great giveaway this week – Kingdom of Bounce passes! Specifically three - one family open bounce passes! Each of these one family passes admit parents and all their children. And we have THREE to give away to THREE lucky CMOTC MOMs.

For those of you who might not know, the Kingdom of Bounce (KOB) is a giant indoor bouncing paradise guaranteed to bring many smiles and giggles to your children. They offer open bounce times, as well as Dinner and Bounce. Dinner and Bounce family packs include pizza and drinks for two adults and two children (or one adult and three children) from 5 PM to 9 PM every Wednesday night (reservations required). In addition they have a super fun birthday party package, complete with a personal party host (from KOB) to help you! They are located on the east side of town, just south of Easton and north of Port Columbus. For open bounce times, information on bounce parties or directions, go to their website.

The Kingdom of Bounce is good for children from 18 months and all the way up. Here are what KOB said when I asked about younger children (ages and crowds): "The children should be strong walkers to get on the bouncers; usually 18 months old and up is good. During the weekdays, when school is in session, we only have toddlers. On nice days we are very quiet (3 or 4 families). We tend to have older children in the evenings and on the weekends, but this also depends on the weather. Parents are welcome to get on the bouncers with her children."

We are full-on into spring and you know that that means in Central Ohio… RAIN! The Kingdom of Bounce is a great place to get the kids up and running when they are stuck inside being couch potatoes while it is raining. Actually, it is fun anytime – rain or shine! And really, what child wouldn’t love hours of bouncing… not to mention what parent wouldn’t love tired, happy children that sleep well and maybe even late?! Sign me up! A big thank you to Jason from the Kingdom of Bounce for donating these passes for our blog giveaway!

To enter to win one of the three packages above (required):
  • Please comment* below on what content you would like to see on our Columbus Multiple Moms Blog.

For additional entries – that’s right, we’re giving you more chances to win with FOUR more entry options! – do the following: (please create a separate comment for each of the FIVE entry options - remember we enter the total number of comments, the random number generator picks a number and that numbered comment wins - therefore you get more chances to win ONLY if you enter each of the five entry options as a separate comment)

  • Become a follower of the Columbus Multiples Mom blog OR sign up for email notification (of blog posts) via feedburner (both are in the left margin). Once you have done this, comment below stating which you did. If you are already following us or subscribing through emails, that counts too. Comment below letting us know.

  • Become a fan of CMOTC on facebook. Search for CMOTC in facebook and select the one with the photo of our club or click this link, then click “like.” Once you have done this, comment below stating which you did. If you are already a fan, that counts too. Comment below letting us know.

  • Comment below on what CMOTC blog posts have been your favorite and/or what you have found the most useful/interesting/exciting/informative.

  • Become a fan of Kingdom of Bounce on facebook. Search for Kingdom of bounce and select the second listing or follow this link, then click “like.” Once you have done this, comment below stating you did. If you are already a fan, that counts too. Comment below letting us know.

PLEASE make sure you use your full name or at the very least your first name and last initial, as it will be hard to determine for sure who is the winner if there are multiple people entering with the same first names.

Winners will be selected on Wednesday, May 12th at 9 PM by random selection, using Be sure to check the blog on Wednesday, May 12th at 9 PM to see if you won. If an email address is not included in your goggle account profile, you will need to contact us within three days or we will have to select another winner. See giveaway policies for more information.

*The comment area is located below the "You might also like..." section and within the "Posted by..." line. Click on the word "comments" (which will have a number before it showing how many comments there are at that moment) to enter a comment for each of your entry options. Please email us if you have questions or need help.

If you are viewing this in Facebook, please come to the blog to enter to win.


  1. I really like the spotlight on different families. I know it was mostly a special thing for April, but I would love it if it continued throughout the year (even if it's only once or twice a month).

  2. I am a follower of the CMOTC blog.

  3. I am a fan of CMOTC on Facebook.

  4. My favorite posts have been the family stories, but I also find the posts about the sale useful and also the recall information.

  5. What is a good age to allow your kids to start going to Kingdom of Bounce?

  6. Enjoyed the March of Dimes stories. Really the blog has been a wonderful resource for parenting issues:)

  7. I Love the spotlight on families posts. It not only helps newbies like me (who are still awaiting the birth of the twins) see what's in store, but it also helps me to know who's who in the club. :)

  8. Follower of the blog

  9. fan of kingdom of bounce

  10. I enjoyed the Easter Basket ideas and stories on families this month.

  11. Would like to see some more posts about things to do w/ the kids as we head into summer. Local Attractions, events, maybe?

  12. I think the blog is great. Might I suggest helping me find more time to read it! :)
    I also enjoyed the spotlight on families. I'm still kind of new and don't know many people.

  13. I'm a fan of CMOTC on facebook

  14. I follow the blog

  15. the sale info was extremely helpful to me

  16. I am a fan of CMOTC on facebook

  17. I became a follower of the blog

  18. I've been a follower on FB for a long time :)

  19. I love that I have a place to share my story. I have been asked a few times to talk about prematurity and it's been a great outlet for me to share what we went through and offer advice to other's that may be going through the same thing, so THANK YOU!

  20. I became a fan of Kingdom of Bounce on FB

  21. I would like to see a post about twinsburg and the twins festival every year .. a perspective from someone who has been there and what it's all about. Some more input other than the date, time and location it occurs.

  22. I am a follower of the CMOTC on FB

  23. Just signed up to follow this blog:)

  24. I would like to hear more about different development toys (that worked for other people's kids)

  25. I enjoyed reading some of our members' stories. I would like to maybe see ideas for short getaways for families. Possibly just day trips or weekend trips.

  26. I am a fan of CMOTC on FB.

  27. I'd love to see suggestions on things to do around town for specific ages. For instance, I know a lot of us have kids in the 2yo age range. The age where they want to run around everywhere, but there aren't a lot of safe places :)

  28. I love the "getting to know" features you've been doing. I loved learning more about our members :)

  29. I became a fan of KoB on FB!

  30. Just signed up to follow this blog. It is my first!

  31. Wouldn't mind seeing more ways to find free events/coupons. Also, good ideas for places to see for a day trip. Anyone taken a Velvet ice cream tour? Any good bike trips (10 miles or so) with fun things to see along the way?

  32. am now a follower of the blog too!

  33. I like reading the posts about other families. It would also be cool to see idea for fun things for kids to do or places to go around town that are cheap!

  34. I am already a fan of CMOTC on facebook!

  35. I loved using the CMOTC blog for hints about the sale!

  36. I am now a follower of the blog.

  37. I am a fan of Kingdom of Bounce on FB.

  38. I like the idea of getting to know members' families as well.

  39. I am a facebook fan!
