Monday, September 20, 2010

A GIVEAWAY to thrill your little superhero and/or princess: BabyPop Designs customized capes and masks

****This giveaway has ended*****
Do you have a super hero duo in your family? If so, we have the perfect gift for them! We are very excited to announce that BabyPop Designs is giving away a set of two capes and masks on our blog. These customized superhero/princess capes are a must have for any child who is out to save your backyard.

Sherry Aikens, mom of two beautiful children and owner of BabyPop Designs, started her business a few years ago on after leaving her 15 year career in the apparel industry to be a stay at home mom. With all of her experience in the industry and love of apparel, she found a new avenue in making superhero and princess capes. Her offering includes capes customized with the child’s initial (and choice of emblem), shirts, masks, crowns and gloves. She even makes pet, teddy bear and adult capes… if you happen to be an entire family of superheroes! Their slogan: “Saving one backyard at a time.”

I first found BabyPop Designs featured, with rave reviews, on a blog two years ago and instantly fell in love. I quickly ordered one for my soon to be four year old at the time, who was convinced he was a superhero (and still is). I will never forget how his face lit up when he opened his gift and how quickly he put it on… and how hard it was to get off of him that night (no doubt the “hole in one” gift of the year). What makes me giggle to this day, is how his mannerisms change when he puts his cape, shirt, gloves and mask on. He walks, talks and cocks his head like a true crime fighting superhero. His younger brothers, the twins, turned three years old last month and given that they were following in their older brother’s path, it was time they had their own capes as well. Now we have three masked and caped men happily keeping us safe from harm.

With the joy my children have wearing these nicely crafted capes and the holidays quickly approaching, I thought this was a perfect gift idea to share with the club. One better, after hearing about our CMOTC club and blog, Sherry generously offered to give away a set of two capes and masks to our CMOTC club moms! WOW! The capes for your duos come in a large variety of colors, as well as the option of emblems along with the child’s initial. Check out the options on her website.

To enter to win a set of two capes and masks (required):
Become a Facebook fan of “BabyPop Designs”, (click here), by clicking “like” on her fan page. Once you have done this, comment* below stating you’re a FB fan of BabyPop Designs.

For additional entries – yes, you read it right, you can increase your chance of winning with two more entry options! – do the following: (please create a separate comment for each of the three entry options)
  • Become a follower of the Columbus Multiples Mom blog OR sign up for email notification (of blog posts) via feedburner (both are in the left margin). Once you have done this, comment* below stating which you did. If you are already following us or subscribing through emails, that counts too. Comment* below letting us know.

  • Become a fan of CMOTC on facebook. Search for CMOTC in facebook and select the one with the photo of our club or click this link, then click “like.” Once you have done this, comment* below stating you did. If you are already a fan, that counts too. Comment* below letting us know.

PLEASE make sure you use your full name or at the very least your first name and last initial, as it will be hard to determine for sure who is the winner if there are multiple people entering with the same first names.

Winners will be selected on Friday September 24th at 9 p.m. by random selection, using Be sure to check the blog on Friday to see if you won. If an email address is not included in your public goggle account profile, you will need to contact us within three days or we will have to select another winner. See giveaway policies for more information.

*Comment section is located below the "You might also like..." section and within the "Posted by..." line. Click on the word "comments" (which will have a number before it showing how many comments there are at that moment) to enter a comment for each of your entry options. Please let us know if you have questions.

If you are viewing this on Facebook, please come to the
blog to enter to win.


  1. Your capes and masks are awesome!!! Love 'em! I'm a FB fan of BabyPop Designs!!!!

  2. So Cute!! I am a FB fan of BabyPop Designs. April Clopton

  3. I also follow the Columbus Multiples Mom blog. April Clopton

  4. And I am a fan of CMOTC on Facebook. April Clopton (twin mommy that really wants to win the capes! :> )

  5. I'm a FB fan of BabyPop!

    Carole G

  6. I a a fan of Cmotc on fb too!!

    Carole G

  7. I am a fan of CMOTC on facebook.

  8. I just became a follower of the Columbus multiples blog.

  9. I just became a fan of Baby Pop!

  10. I just became a fan of Baby Pop on Facebook!


  11. I subscribed for blog emails. Tracy Tracy

  12. I am a fan of Baby Bop Designs on FB.

  13. I am a fan of Baby Bop Designs on FB. Tracy Tracy

  14. I am already a fan of CMOTC on FB. Tracy Tracy

  15. Awesome giveaway!!

    I am a fan of BabyPop on Facebook.

    Sara Williams

  16. I am a follower of the CMOTC Blog.
    Sara Williams

  17. I am a fan of CMOTC on FB, too
    Sara Williams

  18. I am a FB fan of BabyPop

  19. I am also a FB fan of CMOTC

  20. I subscribe to these blogs.

  21. I am a FB Fan of BabyPop Design. Jamie Clawson

  22. I am now a FB Fan of CMOTC. Jamie Clawson

  23. I am now signed up to receive blog updates via e-mail. Jamie Clawson

  24. I am a facebook fan of BabyPop Design!

    ~Carrie H

  25. I am a facebook fan of CMOTC!

    ~Carrie H

  26. If you are not blogging on here, you are missing out.

  27. AND HAVE YOU SEEN THE CUTE COSTUMES??? TOO CUTE!!! My sons can never make up their mind which superhero they want to be...this way they have to pick themselves! Erica Kennedy

  28. I am a Facebook fan of CMOTC!

  29. I follow the blog, too :)

  30. I am a fb fan of BabyPop, too!
