Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kendra's Fitness Corner - Getting an exercise program started or reigniting the fire

Hello! My name is Kendra Smith. I am a member of CMOTC (my twins were born 4-30-09) and I am also a fitness professional. My degree is in exercise science and I work in corporate fitness doing wellness programs, teaching classes, and personal training.

I know staying in shape can be hard for the average person…but we are not average! We are moms AND moms of multiples, which makes finding the time and energy to devote to ourselves that much more difficult. Well, I’m here to help! Through Kendra's Fitness Corner, every month, and maybe even more often, I’ll add a post to the CMOTC blog that will include tips to help you get motivated and start/continue your quest to get in shape and feel great!

If there is a topic you would like me to discuss, or a question you have, please feel free to comment or send an email to!

Today’s Topic: Getting Started or Reigniting the Fire

Let’s start from the beginning, since that’s where some of you might be. If you recently gave birth be sure to get the OK from your doctor. I started working out the minute my doctor said so (at 6 weeks post c-section) but I felt like I was 80 years and had never worked out a day in my life. The remedy? Start SLOWLY. I could only do five minutes of walking at first. So start where you need to start. Walking, or swimming are best.

Here are some specifics to get started no matter when you had your last baby:

  1. Write down your goals. You won’t get very far if you don’t know where you are going! Keep two lists. The first is your overall goal (i.e. lose 15 pounds or get back into a certain pair of jeans). The second is a list of motivation or rather reasons WHY you want to meet your overall goals. Examples: I want to set a good example for my kids. I want to feel good in my clothes. I want to go on vacation and actually wear my bathing suit without a cover-up. Etc. Etc.

  2. Make a Plan! Now you can write down the game plan. A) How many days per week can you commit to working out? I hope you can say 4 days BUT 3 is better than 2 and 2 is better than NONE! My goal for you? 4 days to start. B) How much time can you devote to each session and where are you going to find time?

    Your goal should be to get moving. Anything is better than nothing. If you can make 30 minutes happen that will be great! If you can’t do 30 minutes all at once then split it into 2 – 15 min parts during the day. Say 15 minutes in the morning and 15 min in the afternoon (nap time) or evening. NOW Schedule it. Write it on the calendar. Put it in your planner, your Blackberry, your family calendar. Tell your husband you need help with the kids. You know sometime you will have to be flexible (the kids are having a bad nap and you can’t get your workout done). But follow the 90 / 10 rule. 90% of the time you will get your workouts done!

  3. Take a before picture OR try on those favorite jeans you’d like to fit back in. Do some measurements around your waist and hips. Weigh yourself. Know where you are at the start. This info will be motivating at a later time.

Now what should you DO during those four – 30 minute sessions (or eight – 15 minutes sessions) every week?

The answer? More than you are doing now! If you are walking then try a walk / jog program. Make your workout a little bit more intense than you are used to. If you are doing nothing…then try walking or biking.

You don’t want to just do cardio. The best way to get the results you want is by combining strength training and cardio, AND watch your calorie intake.

Since there is a lot to cover when you are getting started, I'm doing a special two part post. In tomorrow's post, I will outline a summer starter challenge for you, using what I spoke about above. So, start making your fitness goals and plan now, then come back tomorrow for the details on the summer starter challenge!

Please feel free to comment below or send emails to with any questions you might have for me. As well, if you have suggestions for topics you would like me to discuss in Kendra's Fitness Corner, please let me know as well.

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