Thursday, May 13, 2010

New regular monthly posts...

We are very excited to announce that we will have four regular monthly columns, in addition to our other posts. Each of these once a month columns will be written by one of our own twin moms who has an expertise in that area. The content for these posts will be based on their experience and insight, as well as input from all of you in the form of your questions and/or suggestions (so get some ready!).

Introducing our four new monthly columns and the moms behind them:

Kendra's Fitness Corner - Kendra S. is a mommy of one year old twins. She has a degree in exercise science and works as a corporate fitness professional doing wellness programs, teaching classes and also personal training. Kendra will share with us many tips to fitting fitness into our very busy lives, whether at a gym or at home, and more!

Katie's Nutrition Nook - Katie B. is a mommy to three month old twins, with a degree in medical dietetics. She's a registered and licensed dietitian, as well as a certified health fitness specialist and has worked with the WIC program, as well as in child and adult weight loss. Katie will share with us tips on eating right (for both us and our children), keeping on track, losing weight and much more!

Karyn's Photography Tips - Karyn H. is a mommy of five year old twins and an eight year old. She has been a professional photographer for over six years, but has been capturing moments with her love of photography her entire life. Karyn is going to provide tips on taking photos of our children that will make us look like professionals, as well as tips for editing, cameras and much more!

Kelly's Art Easel - Kelly Z. is a twin mommy to one an a half year old twins. Her passion in life, besides her twins of course, is art. She was an art teacher before the twins were born and remains a professional artist now (many of you know of her very cute "twinsies"). Kelly is going to give us super cool art projects (step by step) to do with our kids of all ages, as well as helping us teach our children different art techniques and so much more.

Look for a column from each of them starting this month, with Kendra's column coming up this weekend. A little teaser on her upcoming column: she's going to help us kick start our fitness activities with tips on getting started/reigniting the fire, as well as outlining a summer starter challenge. Her passion is helping others feel good about themselves and it shows!

We would love to add more monthly columns and are looking for other CMOTC moms who have expertise in different areas and would like to have their own column on our blog. The commitment is just one post per month, or more if you want. Some ideas of expertise we would love to add as columns are: financial planner, child counselor, chef, teachers, etc. If your education/career/expertise is in one of those fields OR a different field that you feel would benefit our moms, and you want to have your own monthly column, please email us at

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