What you need:
- several different sized containers for water
- paintbrushes
- sidewalk chalk
- sponges
- water "wear" (clothes that can get wet)
- a driveway, sidewalk, etc.
My twins are only two years old (later this month) and they LOVE doing this, as do their their friends (also pictured) who just turned one year old a few months ago. But this isn't just for little ones, I have done this with with children as old as six or seven years old who loved it as well.
What to do:
- Set out the containers (different sizes are great because they'll experiment more), then dip the brushes into the water and "paint" the pavement.
- Try painting your shadows with water and watch how long they last.
- Let them "stamp" their hand prints, foot prints, etc. by dipping it into the water and pressing it on dry pavement.
- Cut up sponges into different shapes to stamp (or if you have bath sponges already in shapes, those are great too). Our favorites are fish.
- Younger kids will love to dump the water containers and then move the water around into different shapes with paintbrushes once it spreads onto the pavement.
- You can then add color with sidewalk chalk.


If you have any suggestions or requests for future Kelly's Art Easel columns, please comment below or email (columbusmultiples@gmail.com). As well, if you have any art questions for yourself or your little ones, let me know!
Have fun cooling down and being creative with water!
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